Control and regulate cardiovascular diseases by infusing Desi Grub Extra Virgin Cold pressed Pure Hemp Seed Oil, extracted from the finest seeds of Hemp plant grown in the higher altitudes with THC concentration below 0.3%, making it a non-psychoactive agent.
Rich in Arginine and Omega 3, 6, and 9 essential acids, it reduces the risk of stroke, cardiac failure, and elevated blood pressure, thus regulating diabetes. Also manages sebum production while keeping the skin supple and moisturized. Linoleic and oleic acids provide anti-inflammatory, moisturizing and healing support, as well as fight acne and keep skin supple with youthful looks. Desi Grub 100% Pure Hemp seed oil is also a high source of Vitamin E which is an important nutrient body needs to sustain many healthy bodily functions like brain, heart and vision health.